Accepted Forms of Payment
Payment is expected at the time of service. The preferred methods of payment are personal check, cash or debit card. However, we also accept Visa and MasterCard.
Methods of payment:
Most of our doctors do not participate directly with insurance companies. However, many insurance policies have an out-of-network benefit which typically reimburses you for a portion of your payment.
Use the portal to obtain the claim form which may be submitted to your insurance company or used for tax purposes. Use these instructions to obtain the proper form from the portal. Our Practice Manager, La Shawn Farrish, can provide guidance with this process. Please see your doctor's individual page for specifics about participation with insurance. |
Phone: 301-897-0099 | Extensions: Bhatia-306 Fowler-310 Kauffman-303 Levine-304 Motamed-301
Horn: 240-242-9856
Practice Manager: La Shawn Farrish 301-897-0099 ext. 300| Fax: 301-897-8537
1101 Wootton Parkway, Suite 960, Rockville, MD 20852
Horn: 240-242-9856
Practice Manager: La Shawn Farrish 301-897-0099 ext. 300| Fax: 301-897-8537
1101 Wootton Parkway, Suite 960, Rockville, MD 20852